J.K.罗琳(J. K. Rowling,1965年7月31日-),出生于英国格温特郡,毕业于英国埃克塞特大学,英国小说家、电影编剧及制片人,是全球畅销的作家之一。 1989年,罗琳有了创作哈利·波特的念头。1997年6月,推出哈利·波特系列第一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》。1998年与1999年,创作了《哈利·波特与密室》和《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》。2001年,美国华纳兄弟电影公司决定将小说的第一部《哈利·波特与魔法石》搬上银幕。2003年6月,创作出第五部作品《哈利·波特与凤凰社》。2005年7月,推出了第六部《哈利·波特与混血王子》。2007年7月,推出终结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》。截至2008年,《哈利·波特》系列7本小说被翻译成67种文字在全球发行4亿册。2010年,哈利·波特电影系列的完结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》拍摄完成。2014年12月,罗琳更新了《哈利·波特》系列相关的小故事。2017年12月12日,被英国皇室授予“荣誉勋爵”(Companion of Honour);同年,参与创作的舞台剧《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》在劳伦斯·奥利弗奖独揽9项大奖。
3102人今日阅读 推荐值 93.1%
Harry Potter: The Complete Collection (1-7)
556人今日阅读 推荐值 93.2%
All seven eBooks in the multi-award winning, internationally bestselling Harry Potter series, available as one download with stunning cover art by Olly Moss. Enjoy the stories that have captured the imagination of millions worldwide.
190人今日阅读 推荐值 93.4%
202人今日阅读 推荐值 92.9%
277人今日阅读 推荐值 92.3%
251人今日阅读 推荐值 92.6%
154人今日阅读 推荐值 93.6%
170人今日阅读 推荐值 92.9%
273人今日阅读 推荐值 92.8%
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
173人今日阅读 推荐值 88.8%
When mysterious letters for Harry Potter start arriving at number four, Privet Drive, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry's eleventh birthday, the giant Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . . .
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
69人今日阅读 推荐值 90.6%
"'There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.'" Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone... Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true.
59人今日阅读 推荐值 66.4%
距离哈利·波特,罗恩·韦斯莱以及赫敏·格兰杰拯救魔法世界已经过去了十九年的时间,现在他们将与一名刚刚踏入霍格沃兹魔法学校的勇敢新生一起,重回一段最为离奇的冒险旅程。就在哈利试图抵抗一段不愿停驻原地的过去时,他最小的儿子阿不思,则不得不担起一项自己从未想要过的家族遗产重任。在过去与现在的碰撞中,父子两人都被困锁在了一场与时间的赛跑当中,与神秘的力量进行战斗,而他们的未来则仍属未定之数。《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》基于J.K. Rowling、约翰·蒂芙尼与杰克·索恩共同创作的原创故事改编而成,是这部广受赞誉的伦敦西区戏剧作品的完整剧本。此版本包含原故事的最终版对话和舞台指导、分为两部分的内容、一段在导演约翰·蒂芙尼与编剧杰克·索恩之间的对话、波特家族系谱,以及一条与《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》相关的关键时间时间线。
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
49人今日阅读 推荐值 91.5%
"'Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go.'"When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves... But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss...
44人今日阅读 推荐值 89.8%
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
44人今日阅读 推荐值 90.0%
"'You are sharing the Dark Lord's thoughts and emotions. The Headmaster thinks it inadvisable for this to continue. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord.'"Dark times have come to Hogwarts. After the Dementors' attack on his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows that Voldemort will stop at nothing to find him. There are many who deny the Dark Lord's return, but Harry is not alone: a secret order gathers at Grimmauld Place to fight against the Dark forces. Harry must allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's savage assaults on his mind. But they are growing stronger by the day and Harry is running out of time...
35人今日阅读 推荐值 88.0%
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
32人今日阅读 推荐值 90.7%
"'There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways … their magical prowess - their daring - their powers of deduction - and, of course, their ability to cope with danger.'"The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter - but that doesn't stop Harry dreaming that he will win the competition. Then at Hallowe'en, when the Goblet of Fire makes its selection, Harry is amazed to find his name is one of those that the magical cup picks out. He will face death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards, but with the help of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he might just make it through - alive!
27人今日阅读 推荐值 92.7%
男孩杰克有一个心爱的伙伴——玩偶小猪嘟嘟。嘟嘟和杰克有数不清的开心回忆,更重要的是,嘟嘟陪伴他度过了那些难熬的伤心时刻,懂得杰克说不出口的每一个烦恼。然而意外发生了,杰克弄丢了他的小猪。他悲痛欲绝,哭了整整一天,把眼泪都哭干了。虽然杰克收到了一只作为补偿的、一模一样的玩偶——平安小猪,可他觉得新小猪什么都不是。 杰克哭着睡去,迷迷糊糊间,突然被房间里的响动吵醒。他猛地一拉台灯,发现周围的东西——大到衣柜,小到袜子,还有所有玩具,全都活了过来!平安小猪也不例外。小猪告诉杰克,要想找回他最好的朋友,必须去往一个神奇国度,那里禁止人类踏足,一旦被发现后果不堪设想。 杰克毫不犹豫,和他并不待见的平安小猪一起,开启了惊险刺激的冒险之旅。只要能找回嘟嘟,他愿意付出任何代价。
22人今日阅读 推荐值 80.5%
《神奇的魁地奇球》是魔法世界经久不衰的畅销书,也是霍格沃茨学校图书馆中最受欢迎的书之一,书中包含了你需要知道的一切,包括高尚的魁地奇运动的历史和规则(以及犯规)。这本权威指南的作者是受人尊敬的魁地奇运动作家肯尼沃思·惠斯普,书中充满了引人入胜的知识,记录了这项运动的历史,从中世纪时在魁地沼的起源,一直到它成为现代体育运动,被全世界无数巫师和麻瓜家庭所热爱。书中全面介绍了知名的魁地奇球队、最常见的犯规行为、比赛扫帚的发展进化,以及其他很多内容,对所有哈迷、魁地奇爱好者和运动员来说,它都是一本不可或缺的体育圣经。不管你是周末打球的业余爱好者还是拥有查德理火炮队赛季门票的铁杆球迷,都应该有一本。魔法世界最著名的体育图书新版上市,采用J.K.罗琳的原创文本,配上约翰尼·达德尔绘制的华丽封面,以及托米斯拉夫·托米奇的插图。这本电子书的净零售价*有至少15%将捐给喜剧救济基金会和“荧光闪烁”基金会,用于改善儿童和青年的生活。其中20%捐给喜剧救济基金会,80%捐给“荧光闪烁”慈善组织。喜剧救济基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是326568(英国、威尔士)和SC039730(苏格兰)。“荧光闪烁”基金会是英国的注册慈善组织,注册号是1112575。* 净零售价指的是不含销售税的价格。
20人今日阅读 推荐值 85.0%
18人今日阅读 推荐值 83.9%
J.K. Rowling’s five-film Fantastic Beasts adventure series continues with the original screenplay for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
17人今日阅读 推荐值 91.0%
As he leaves Privet Drive forever, Harry Potter knows Voldemort and the Death Eaters are not far behind. The protective charm, which kept Harry safe until now is broken, but he cannot keep hiding. To stop Voldemort, Harry has to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. The final battle will begin and Harry must stand and face his greatest enemy.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
10人今日阅读 推荐值 88.0%
"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building… wherever they had murdered…"When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny...
9人今日阅读 推荐值 69.0%
From the Wizarding Archive (Volumes 1 & 2)
If you've ever wondered why Squibs are never offered a place at Hogwarts, what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, or how Dumbledore and McGonagall formed their lifelong friendship, From the Wizarding Archive should go straight to the top of your reading list. Containing 80 articles and anecdotes written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts One and Two
The Eighth Story. Nineteen Years Later. Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, a play by Jack Thorne.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
"A glance through Muggle art and literature of the Middle Ages reveals that many of the creatures they now believe to be imaginary were then known to be real."As every fan of the Harry Potter stories knows, the shelves of the Hogwarts Library are home to all sorts of fascinating books. There are three in particular you might have heard mentioned by certain Hogwarts students, and that you can add to your reading list too, including Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.A set textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since publication, Newt Scamander's masterpiece has entertained wizarding families through the generations. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an indispensable introduction to the magical beasts of the wizarding world. Flipping through the pages of Newt's famous journal, you'll journey around the globe and discover the many and varied creatures that he made it his life's work to study and protect. Some of the beasts will be familiar to fans of the Wizarding World - the Hippogriff, the Niffler, the Hungarian Horntail... while others will surprise even the most ardent amateur Magizoologist. Fans of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them are sure to enjoy the other Hogwarts Library books: Quidditch Through the Ages and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Comic Relief, operating name Charity Projects, is a registered charity in the UK with charity nos. 326568 (England/Wales) and SC039730 (Scotland). Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in the UK with no. 1112575 (England/Wales). 15% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from this ebook will be made available to the charities for their work across the UK and globally including helping children and young people have a better life. These proceeds will be shared 20% for Comic Relief and 80% for Lumos Foundation. *Proceeds means the cash-price or cash-equivalent price less sales taxes.
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
"The heroes and heroines who triumph in his stories are not those with the most powerful magic, but rather those who demonstrate the most kindness, common sense and ingenuity."As every fan of the Harry Potter stories knows, the shelves of the Hogwarts Library are home to all sorts of fascinating books. There are three in particular you might have heard mentioned by certain Hogwarts students, and that you can add to your reading list too, including The Tales of Beedle the Bard.As familiar to Hogwarts students as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are to Muggle children, Beedle's stories are a collection of popular fairy tales written for young witches and wizards. So, if you're wondering what's in store... well, you're in for a treat! You're bound to laugh when you read about the havoc wreaked by a father's impish gift to his son in The Wizard and the Hopping Pot.The Fountain of Fair Fortune will take you on a quest through an enchanted garden, alongside three witches and a luckless knight. In The Warlock's Hairy Heart you'll be warned about a young warlock who is fearful of love, and turns to dark magic to avoid it at all costs.The calamitous meeting of a foolish king, a cunning charlatan and a mischievous washerwoman unravels in Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump. And finally, the most iconic of Beedle's stories. The Tale of the Three Brothers - with its message of humility and wisdom - will introduce you, dear reader, to the Deathly Hallows.Each of the tales is accompanied by wise and whimsical notes from a certain Albus Dumbledore, surely everyone's favourite headmaster.We're told these five fables have been firm favourites in wizarding households for centuries. Now it's your turn to experience these tales from the Wizarding World.Fans of The Tales of Beedle the Bard are sure to enjoy the other Hogwarts Library books: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages. At least 90% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from this ebook will be made available by the publisher to The Lumos Foundation for their work to help children worldwide out of institutions, so they can thrive in loving families and communities. The Lumos Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales with registered charity number 1112575 and in the USA (EIN 47-2301085) . *Proceeds means the cash-price or cash equivalent price less sales taxes.Around the world, more than 8 million children live in orphanages and other institutions. What may be surprising is that about 80 percent of them aren't actually orphans. They have family who could care for them, with the right support. Lumos is an international children's charity founded by J.K. Rowling. Named after the light-giving spell in Harry Potter, Lumos' mission is to ensure that by 2050 all children will grow up in loving, protective families.
Quidditch Through the Ages
"At Queerditch Marsh, however, a game had been created that would one day become the most popular in the wizarding world."As every fan of the Harry Potter stories knows, the shelves of the Hogwarts Library are home to all sorts of fascinating books. There are three in particular you might have heard mentioned by certain Hogwarts students, and that you can add to your reading list too, including Quidditch Through the Ages.Maybe you dream of catching the elusive Golden Snitch to the sound of deafening cheers all around you, as a certain Harry Potter once did. Or perhaps, like Hermione Granger, your thirst for knowledge is somehow just never quite satisfied. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a complete newcomer to the sport, you'll be in good company when you pick up this particular Hogwarts Library book.From its origins on Queerditch Marsh in the eleventh century to the sophisticated sport played today, discover how 'Quidditch unites witches and wizards from all walks of life, bringing us together to share moments of exhilaration, triumph and (for those who support the Chudley Cannons) despair', according to Professor Albus Dumbledore's foreword.Do you know why refereeing a Quidditch match was once a task for only the bravest witches and wizards, or how to tell a Transylvanian Tackle from a Woollongong Shimmy? In this enlightening and highly popular Hogwarts library book, Kennilworthy Whisp reveals the daring highs and dangerous lows of the glorious game of Quidditch. Fans of Quidditch Through the Ages are sure to enjoy the other Hogwarts Library books: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and The Tales of Beedle the Bard.Comic Relief, operating name Charity Projects, is a registered charity in the UK with charity nos. 326568 (England/Wales) and SC039730 (Scotland). Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in the UK with no. 1112575 (England/Wales). 15% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from this ebook will be made available to the charities for their work across the UK and globally including helping children and young people have a better life. These proceeds will be shared 20% for Comic Relief and 80% for Lumos Foundation. *Proceeds means the cash-price or cash-equivalent price less sales taxes.
The Hogwarts Library Collection
As every fan of the Harry Potter stories knows, the shelves of the Hogwarts Library are home to all sorts of fascinating books. There are three in particular you might have heard mentioned by... certain Hogwarts students and that you can add to your own collection.Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by the world-famous Newt Scamander, has been a set textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since publication, is a fun and fascinating guide to magical creatures, and an indispensable introduction to the magical beasts of the wizarding world.Quidditch Through the Ages is a comprehensive guide to the wizarding world's favourite sport. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a complete newcomer, you'll be in good company with this particular Hogwarts Library book.Lastly, The Tales of Beedle the Bard are a collection of popular fairy tales written for young witches and wizards, and as familiar to Hogwarts students as 'Sleeping Beauty' and 'Cinderella' are to us.So, if you're craving a little more magic after reading the Harry Potter stories, the Hogwarts Library books are exactly what you're looking for. And now you can enjoy all three of them in this single, bind-up edition: The Hogwarts Library Collection.Comic Relief, operating name Charity Projects, is a registered charity in the UK with charity nos. 326568 (England/Wales) and SC039730 (Scotland). Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in the UK with no. 1112575 (England/Wales) and in the USA (EIN 47-2301085). Both organisations work across the UK and globally helping children and young people have a better life. 15% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from the Fantastic Beasts and the Quidditch Through the Ages eBooks will be made available to the charities and will be shared 20% for Comic Relief and 80% for Lumos Foundation. At least 90% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from the Beedle the Bard eBook will be made available by the publisher to Lumos Foundation.*Proceeds means the cash-price or cash-equivalent price less sales taxes.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
J.K. Rowling's screenwriting debut is captured in this exciting digital edition of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them screenplay.
From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 2)
If you've ever wondered what McGonagall was like before she became the firm but fair Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts (Was she ever in love? How did she form such a strong and trusting friendship with Dumbledore?) or reflected on what Remus Lupin's childhood might have been like - then From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 2) should go straight to the top of your must-read list. Containing 35 articles written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat.
From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 1)
If you've ever wondered what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, wanted to know more about the magical properties of wand cores or pondered whether the Malfoys were always wealthy and firmly anti-Muggle - then From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 1) should go straight to the top of your must-read list. Containing 45 articles written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat.
Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore:The Complete Screenplay
Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world.Unable to stop him alone,he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards,witches,and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission,where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald's growing legion of followers.But with the stakes so high,how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines?The official screenplay of is the ultimate companion to the film,and invites readers to explore every scene of the complete original script penned by J.K.Rowling&Steve Kloves.Special features include behind-the-scenes content and commentary from David Yates,David Heyman,Jude Law,Eddie Redmayne,Colleen Atwood and more.
温馨提示,Pottermore Presents 将于 2024 年 7 月 31 日正式下架。"魔法部强烈地认为,要在伦敦市中心建造一个额外的巫师车站,此举只会强化麻瓜们刻意无视魔法的决心(原本就已经够臭名昭彰了),即便魔法现象在他们面前大量涌现也一样。"-- J.K.罗琳 《Pottermore Presents》是 J.K. 罗琳的作品系列,收录了早期曾发表于 pottermore.com 的短篇文章。将 Pottermore 发表过的作品集结为电子书,带您遨游在哈利·波特的世界中,并一探J.K.罗琳的灵感来源和角色背景,尽情享受魔法世界带来的惊喜。《霍格沃茨不完全不靠谱指南》(Hogwarts An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide)带您踏上霍格沃茨魔法学校的奇幻旅程。深入校园探险,进一步了解校园中的长驻居民及课程,并一探城堡的不为人知的秘密......只要翻页,就能踏入霍格沃茨的世界。
哈利·波特这个小巫师在全世界掀起了魔法狂热,不仅原著大卖,拍成的电影也是一部比一部火,更创造了出版史上的奇迹。那充满神奇想象力的世界让所有人的童心得到无限满足。本套极具收藏价值的精装版哈利·波特系列丛书共有6册,包括《哈利·波特与密室》、《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》、《哈利·波特与火焰杯》、《哈利·波特与凤凰社》、《哈利·波特与“混血王子”》、《哈利·波特与魔法石》,相信是“哈利·波特迷”们的最爱! “哈利·波特”系列图书自1997年在英国问世以来,迄今在全世界已发行三亿多册,2000年引进中国后,前六册发行量达800万册。因此无论在世界还是在中国,“哈利·波特”都创造了出版史上的奇迹。 “哈利·波特”是一套既有畅销效应也有常销价值的儿童小说,从内容到艺术手法都具备了世界优秀儿童文学的潜质。其故事惊险离奇、神幻莫测;情节跌宕起伏、悬念丛生,从头至尾充满幽默。作者巧妙地将世界文学名著中所具有的美学品格集于一身,达到了想象丰富,情节紧凑,推理严密,人物刻画深刻的艺术效果。同时它也是一套引导孩子们勇敢向上,见义勇为,善良待人的婿作品。难能可贵的是,“哈利·波特”不仅深受孩子们的追捧,同时又为成人所喜爱。 “哈利·波特”系列图书自面世以来,在世界许多国家获得了多种大奖,在中国已连续三届荣膺“全国优秀少年儿童图书奖”。
1人今日阅读 推荐值 82.2%
温馨提示,Pottermore Presents 将于 2024 年 7 月 31 日正式下架。"米勒娃是罗马神话中的战神与智慧女神。威廉·麦格则被视为英国史上最糟的诗人,我无法克制地想着他的名字,想着这位如此优秀的女性居然有可能是这位麦姓小丑的远亲。" -- J.K.罗琳《Pottermore Presents》是J.K.罗琳的作品系列,收录了早期曾发表于 pottermore.com 的短篇文章。将 Pottermore 发表过的作品集结为电子书,带您遨游在哈利·波特的世界中,并一探J.K.罗琳的灵感来源和角色背景,尽情享受魔法世界带来的惊喜。哈利·波特故事中象征勇气的两位代表性角色--米勒娃·麦格与莱姆斯·卢平--他们的英雄气概、人生困境与危险嗜好等详细介绍,都在人物介绍中娓娓道来。另外,J.K.罗琳除了揭开了占卜学教授西比尔·特里劳妮的神秘面纱,也讲述了西瓦诺斯·凯特尔伯这位无畏且热爱魔法生物的教授之故事。
《伊卡狛格》创作于十几年前,是罗琳写给自己两个孩子听的故事。 由于全球疫情的限制,许多孩子和父母只能待在家中,备受煎熬。因此,罗琳将《伊卡狛格》的手稿从她的阁楼上取了下来,修改后决定出版!在纸书出版前,故事先在网上进行了免费连载。 罗琳从《伊卡狛格》获得的全部收入,都将捐给维兰特公益基金,来帮助全世界受到疫情影响的人们。 从前,有一个叫做丰饶角的小国家,那里的人们生活地富足而幸福。丰饶角的美食声名远播,从美酪城的奶油干酪到甘蓝城的“天堂的希望”,每一种都足以让食客在品尝时冒出喜悦的泪花。 不过,即使是在如此幸福的国度里,也有怪物暗藏。传说在沼泽乡的最北边,住着一头可怕的怪物——伊卡狛格。有人说它会喷火,会吐毒液,还会在浓雾中咆哮着拖走不听话的绵羊和小孩。也有人说,伊卡狛格不过是传说罢了…… 后来这个传说发展得越发不受控制,为整个国度都蒙上了一层阴霾,这时,两个小孩——一对最要好的朋友,伯特和黛西——开始了他们的伟大征程,决心要揪出真相,探寻怪物的真正巢穴,将希望和幸福重新带回丰饶角。 如果你足够勇敢,就翻开这本书,阅读这个全新的精彩故事吧。这个故事有关真相、希望和友谊,它们的力量足以克服一切。
温馨提示,Pottermore Presents 将于 2024 年 7 月 31 日正式下架。"从来没有任何一任麻瓜首相踏驻足魔法部一步,至于原因呢?前任魔法部长都格·迈克菲尔(任期1858-1865)下了简短的总结:'他们纯洁的小脑袋瓜没办法应付这个'。" -- J.K.罗琳 《Pottermore Presents》是 J.K. 罗琳的作品系列,收录了早期曾发表于 pottermore.com 的短篇文章。将 Pottermore 发表过的作品集结为电子书,带您遨游在哈利·波特的世界中,并一探J.K.罗琳的灵感来源和角色背景,尽情享受魔法世界带来的惊喜。力量与政治,以及恶作剧幽灵的故事,带您一窥魔法世界的黑暗面。乌姆里奇残暴个性的根源、魔法部的内幕,以及巫师监狱阿兹卡班的历史等等,真相将一一为您揭开。此外,也带您深入了解霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩早年于霍格沃茨任职魔药学教授期间的故事,以及他与汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔的关系。